109 South State St Hampshire, IL 60140 United States
The library district is holding a town hall on Sat, March 15, at 10 am at the Hampshire Township Building. Learn about our plan to provide you with more services and to bring the library closer to your neighborhood.
The Ella Johnson Memorial Public Library District reserves the right to photograph program participants and patrons. These photos are for Library use only and may be used for promotion within print and digital media. Attending a Library event provides expressed consent to take and utilize photographs of you/your family.
The Tarnished Reputation of Silver. Many people today run away screaming when you even say the words “antique silver,” much less suggest they buy some for daily use in their homes.
Want to show off your creativity? We invite you to design a diorama for marshmallow Peeps! Build a model of a scene of your choosing starring marshmallow bunnies! The library will supply you with a 4-pack of Peep Bunnies.
Citizen Science Month is April 2025
You must register with the Forest Preserve District of Kane County to participate!
Registration required.